Co.As.It. Community Services is proud to present, with the cooperation of the National Archives Australia, “L’Ultimo Saluto” (The Last Goodbye) Italian migration exhibition. Share the history and experiences of this vibrant group through photographs which portray the vivid hopes and visions of a displaced generation, one that has now left an indelible presence in Queensland’s way of life.‘L’ultimo Saluto” will be a photographic record of the experiences of Italian migrants through the period of mass migration and will include documents relating to prisoners of war, internment, recruitment of workers for the sugar cane industry and proxy brides.
Co.As.It. will also be presenting a second exhibition, “Proxy Brides” which will showcase one girl’s journey to her new husband in Australia. In the 1950’s it was not uncommon to marry a man or woman by proxy one had not met. A unique insight into the lives of many Italian migrants who took the journey across oceans for a new start.
Both exhibitions will be showcased at Festitalia – Italian Festival on Sunday 9 October 2016 at Spencer park, 42 Newbery St, Newmarket, 11am -5pm. The exhibit will be displayed inside the Italian Language Centre.