Co.As.It. Community Services Ltd. is a service provider within the aged care and community services industry, which has won recognition for high quality service delivery and excellence in care. Constant research, planning and improvement ensures that Co.As.It. programs and services are relevant, responsive and meet the diverse needs of its clients, especially those from CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse) backgrounds. Funding provided by the Commonwealth and State Governments enables, the organisation to fulfil this important role within the community.
Co.As.It. is a registered business with approximately 400 staff, 85% of whom speak more that one language. It operates as a private company with an independent Board of Directors and a CEO who has been associated with the business for more than 30 years. Our diverse staff enables us to cater for the cultural and linguistic diversity of elderly people in south east Queensland as we believe the relationship between clients and their community workers is the key to client satisfaction.
With over 40 years experience in providing services to CALD communities, Co.As.It. is well placed to understand the needs of people from different cultural and language backgrounds, coordinate services with clients and family members and assign care staff who are aware of the client’s preferences, religious beliefs, special celebrations and regional culinary requirements. Often the care staff will speak the same language as the client.
Co.As.It. assists NDIS clients and supports people aged over 65 to remain living in their own homes. In addition to these commonwealth programs, it supports and assists people aged under 65 to live independently under the Queensland Community and Support Service. Co.As.It. also self funds a number of initiatives to improve the quality of life of culturally and linguistically diverse and mainstream communities. These include social outings, respite care, physical activities such as dance classes, stay active classes, community centres, cultural support to aged care facilities and cultural events such as Festitalia.
Co.As.It. is constantly undertaking research studies that gather information on the difficulties and concerns of the CALD community member that may not be able to access mainstream services due to language barriers, feel isolated due to declining traditional networks, poor written and/or spoken English skills, lack of computer literacy, difficulty with transport and geographical dispersion or remoteness. This information is often used to seek Government funding for projects that will inform and educate the CALD person and establish support networks that will make a difference in their daily lives.
The Italian Language Centre (ILC) is a division of Co.As.It. Community Services and is the principal provider of Italian language and culture programs throughout the state. Subsidised by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Italian Consulate in Brisbane, the ILC supports Italian language programs in various locations in Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Townsville and Cairns. Professional development workshops and seminars are organised in conjunction with Brisbane, Cairns and Townsville Catholic Education Offices as well as the Department of Education Queensland, to ensure continuity of language proficiency, skills and opportunities to network. For more information on the Italian Language Centre contact 07 3624 6172 also