Co.As.It. Shines in the Eyes of Clients and Regulator

Co.As.It. Community Services Ltd comes up trumps in regulator’s audit.  100% compliance was achieved in all eight of the new Aged Care Quality Standards. The performance report is available to view by the public on the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission website.

The organisation has undergone triennial audits since 2000 and has always met the relevant service standards.  The New Aged Care Quality Standards have been implemented by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission and came into force from 1st July 2019. For each standard, providers must demonstrate that they:

·      understand the requirement;

·      apply the requirement, and this is clear in the way they provide care and services;

·      monitor how they are applying the requirement and the outcomes they achieve; and

·      review outcomes and adjust their practices based on these reviews to keep improving.


Conducted over three days, auditors spoke to clients, community care workers, co-ordinators, clinical and allied health team leaders and management to confirm Co.As.It.’s compliance with the standards that stipulate eight outcomes for clients. Each standard stipulates a client outcome addressing the following:

1.    Consumer dignity and choice

2.    Ongoing assessment and planning with consumers

3.    Personal care and clinical care

4.    Services and supports for daily living

5.    Organisation’s service environment

6.    Feedback and complaints

7.    Human resources and

8.    Organisational governance

It was a great outcome for the organisation with no specific areas identified for improvements. Co.As.It. abides by its continuous improvement policy and will always endeavour to review and improve systems and processes. This allows the organisation to meet the needs of its clients, staff and government expectations.